Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Gentle Reminder

Driving to the dentist office the other day I was listeneing to the Yolanda Adams Morning Show as she was signing off. In her parting words she said "Hug somebody today, it may be the only hug they receive." As I thought about Yolanda's instructions I said to myself perhaps I would hug someone later in the day because I knew that I wouldn't be hugging anybody at the dentist office. About 30 minutes later I almost became overwhelmed when the hygienist that I met 7 minutes ago hugged me.

She and I were discussing my dental insurance which lead to me explaning some things to her about this transitional time that I am in regarding my job. At that point she began to speak to me and my circumstances and told me that God has something great for me. She said that I would be making more money in my next occupation than I made working for the company I just left. She said I was young and smart and that God had plans for me that I may not understand but that would work to my benefit. The whole conversation developed so organically. I know it was the presence of God moving in the room.

Her name is Patricia and I doubt if I will ever forget her. And when she hugged me I felt God telling me "Bless your heart don't know nothing". Like He was laughing at me for making my bold statement about what I knew was not going to happen at the dentist office. My father reminded me that He was in charge of all I see and all I don't see. He also took that time to remind me that I was wrapped in His loving arms and that I was taken care of. God reminded me that it was already alright.