Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Circle of Life

A wise man once told me that oft times people mistakenly think of life as a staircase and as we go through life, have achievements and accomplish certain things we climb higher and higher. But the fact is that life is much more like a circle. And sometimes we are at the top of that circle and sometimes we are at the bottom. With this analogy it is easy to see that when you are at the top of the circle the day will come around again that you will be at the bottom. And likewise when you are at the bottom you will surely be back on top.

The real question is, is what do we learn as we go througth the circle or cycles. If we allow ourselves to see it for what it is we can avoid getting too overwhelmed or depressed when we are at the bottom. If we reflect on our lives I'm sure that most of us will notice a pattern that sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down. With each down time we can grow and develop positive coping mechanisms as we await our newest high for it is sure to come.

Recently I have undergone some pretty significant changes in my life and about a month ago I was feeling about as down/at the bottom of my circle as I have ever been. But even at my lowest point I knew to call on my Creator because my life was in His hands. So I did. And he comforted me while I cried, and lamented and sometimes even got downright hysterical. Through it all there was this undercurrent of calmness. Through it all, even when I was sobbing I knew that somehow everything would be alright. I am not at the top of my circle just yet but I am happy to report that I am now on the upswing. The funny part is that nothing has really changed about my situation and I am very uncertain about what the future holds for me. All I know is that God has never failed me yet and I can't think of one reason that he would start now.

So in this posting I would like to encourage anyone whose eyes fall on these words to just keep on moving. Just keep on knowing that you are protected and loved and that no matter where you are on this day in your circle you will survive. If you are at the bottom the top is on it's way. If you are at the top just know that you will be down again some day but the good news is that if you know that the top is coming around again it will make the bottom that much easier to deal with. Just go through it and learn your lessons and keep it moving. Remembering to praise and thank your Creator through it all. He wants to know that you trust in him. He is soooo that way :-)